Produced by Robyn Lynne Norris, here is the part-scripted-part-improv retelling of her experience on OkCupid — maybe maybe maybe not trying to find love, but alternatively wanting to know very well what precisely makes a fruitful on the web profile that is dating. All of it starts whenever Robyn, an up-and-coming comedian (portrayed out there and online date by he spirited Kaitlyn Black) finds that her backup plan to marry her gay „BFF“ goes awry when he gets into another relationship and she decides to put herself.
Her real personality to be unclickable she begins her experiment: Instead of searching for love trying to understand what exactly makes a successful online dating profile when she finds. To do this she s creates thirty-eight OkCupid pages for a absurd selection of figures, monitoring who got reactions, whom didn’t, and exactly exactly just what it all might suggest to people behind those displays.
We first meet a chorus of lab“doctors that are coat-clad (Chris Alvarado, Jonathan Gregg, Eric Lockley, Megan Sikora, and Liz Wisan).